About us
- The DC Prevention Center for Wards 3 & 4 is a collaborative venture in conjunction with the Department of Behavioral Health (DBH) SUbstance Use Disorder Division (SUDD), and the National Capital Coalition to Prevent Underage Drinking (NCCPUD), the parent group for this initiative.
- Our goal is to implement a Strategic Prevention Framework to address three District-wide substance use disorder outcomes, Community Education, Community Leadership, and Community Change. We strive to address priority risk factors that have been documented as contributing to alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use (ATOD) among children and youth in the District. Our target populations include youth ages 8 to 18 and those in the community that influence them (peers, families, caregivers, and communities). The Risk and Protective Factor Model of Substance Use Disorder Prevention has been adopted at the Ward and District levels as we strive to prevent the onset of ATOD use and reduce the progression of risks among youth, their families, and communities.
- Ultimately, our vision is to support a healthy and drug-free District of Columbia that supports communities as a place where all children are safe, drug-free, and connected to a network of caring families, community organizations, and faith-based institutions. The success of this vision for our city will require strategic planning and integrated prevention systems that reduce risk factors in each ward. As your Prevention Center, we provide:
- Structured training and education that will increase knowledge, skills, and awareness of substance abuse trends and indicators within your community
- Technical assistance for planning the creation of a compressive plan with goals, objectives, and strategies designed to address the substance abuse prevention needs of the community
- Ongoing research and evaluations that will measure the effectiveness and impact of programs and practices, and determine the need for ongoing change
- Hosted Community Conversations on Underage drinking, Gateway Drugs, Risks & Protective Factors
Nadine Parker
Executive Director
Lee Manley
Community Mobilizer
Jimmie Hamilton
Community Mobilizer
Lyndsey Murray
Communications Coordinator
How to Find Us
5335 Wisconsin Ave, NW Suite 440 Washington DC 20015 US